Chris received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering in the Circuits and Devices concentration
from the University of Pittsburgh in 2015, as well as the Nanoscience and Engineering
Certificate. Undergraduate work experience involved a Senior Design Project with Eaton and
Undergraduate Research experience with Dr. Brian D’Urso’s Nanomaterials Research Group,
being exposed to electronics design of a photodetector amplifier circuit for an optical trap
and learning about growth and characterization of Graphene. Before joining the Ohodnicki
Lab, Chris worked at Keystone Compliance, LLC and performed Electromagnetic Interference
(EMI) tests for five years. Research interests include the Standardization of
Electromagnetic Components and Material Measurements, Core Loss of Magnetic Components, and
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) of components and
Dipika received her M.Sc. in Physics from IIT Kanpur, India in 2015 following B.Sc. with
Honors in Physics from University of Burdwan in 2013. She obtained Ph.D. degree in
Physics (Experimental) from S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India in
2021, as a recipient of prestigious national fellowship from CSIR, India. During her
Ph.D., she has extensively studied structural, frequency dependent dielectric and
magnetic properties of transition metal-based ferrites focusing on their application in
Electromagnetic Interference Shielding/ Microwave Absorption. She also has an expertise
in synthesizing various complex nanostructures of ferrites as well as multiferroics.
Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Ohodnicki lab, University of Pittsburgh.
Here her research interests orient on microwave processing technology development,
measurement and analysis of microwave properties of materials, mainly ferrites, and
their high-frequency applications.
Dr. Ghosh is a Research Associate, receiving his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Khulna
University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Bangladesh in 2012, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering from Saga University, Japan in 2016 and 2019, respectively, as a
recipient of prestigious Japanese govt. scholarship (MEXT). His research interests include
computational electromagnetics, magnetic field analysis and 2D/3D magnetic material modeling
using numerical method (FEM), performance analysis of laminated steel plates and iron cores
used in inverters, transformers, and motors by loss calculation, stress, noise and vibration
analysis, frequency domain and time domain analysis, characteristics analysis of soft
magnetic materials (Ferrite Core). His two projects for AMPED, both funded by DoE Vehicle
Technology Office and BPMI Industries, are the following:
1. High Speed-High Efficiency Rare Earth Free Electric Motor Design and Optimization.
2. Design and Multi Objective Optimization for High Frequency Transformer Taking Account of
Leakage Inductance Calculation.